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14 products

'Bubble Nebula' Peridot Ear Studs & Pendant'Bubble Nebula' Peridot Ear Studs & Pendant
Sold out
'Green Shade Garden' Peridot & Pearl Jewelry Set'Green Shade Garden' Peridot & Pearl Jewelry Set
'Dark Gem Trio' Black Spinel Choker'Dark Gem Trio' Black Spinel Choker
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'Green Passion' Peridot Loop Earrings'Green Passion' Peridot Loop Earrings
'Purity Bauhinia' Peridot & Clear Quartz Ear Studs'Purity Bauhinia' Peridot & Clear Quartz Ear Studs
'Royal Olive Gleam' Peridot Pendant'Royal Olive Gleam' Peridot Pendant
'Birthmonth Guardian' Gems Choker'Birthmonth Guardian' Gems Choker
Sale priceFrom $27.00
'Urban Chic' Black Spinel Ring'Urban Chic' Black Spinel Ring
'Olive Trees in The Night Sky' Peridot Jewelry Set'Olive Trees in The Night Sky' Peridot Jewelry Set
'Treasure Keeper' Gems Ring'Treasure Keeper' Gems Ring
Sale price$85.00
'Tassel Skirt' Black Spinel Earrings'Tassel Skirt' Black Spinel Earrings
'Red Meteors that Pierce the Night' Garnet & Spinel Necklace'Red Meteors that Pierce the Night' Garnet & Spinel Necklace
'The Code of the Forest' Peridot & Pearl Necklace'The Code of the Forest' Peridot & Pearl Necklace
'Kaleidoscope of Gems' Bracelet'Kaleidoscope of Gems' Bracelet

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